WebSphere And Tivoli Tricks: WebSphere Self-signed certificates

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WebSphere Self-signed certificates

WebSphere v6.1 automatically replaces expiring self-signed certificates by default. If dates are put forward on a server for testing purposes the certificates will be regenerated and expiring certificates and signers will be deleted. This can be turned off by going to: Sercurity > SSL certificate and key management > Manage certificate expiration and un-ticking the appropriate options.
If the certificates become invalid you may receive one of the following exceptions:
CWPKI0311E: The certificate with subject {0} has a start date {1} 
which is valid after the current date/time.  This will can happen 
if the client's clock is set earlier than the server's clock. 
Please verify the clocks are in sync between this client and server 
and retry the request.
Exception stack trace: javax.naming.NamingException: Error during 
resolve [Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: 
not negotiate the desired level of security.  Reason:
.util.h: No trusted certificate found  vmcid: 0x49421000  minor code: 70 
completed: No]
In order to increase the lifetime of the certificates and resolve the issue the following steps were taken:
  1. locate the key.p12 and trust.p12 files under the dmgr profile ie:
  2. Open the key.p12 file with the IKEYMAN tool (\bin\ikeyman.bat). You must select PKCS12 from the key database type drop down in order to open the file.
  3. The defualt password for websphere application server certificate stores is: WebAS?
  4. Select Personal Certificates from the key database content area drop down
  5. Delete the existing default certificate
  6. Create a new self signed certificate with the following details:
    Key Label: default
       Version X509 V3
       Key Size: 1024
       Common Name: <fullyQualifiedHostname>
       Organization: IBM
       Country or region:US
       ValidityPeriod: 3650 (We selected 10 years for the length of the certificate)
  7. Extract the certificate you just created with the following settings:
    Data Type: Base64-encoded ASCII data
       Certificate file name: newDefault.arm
       Location: D:\temp\
  8. Open the \config\cells\\trust.p12 file
  9. Again the password is WebAS?
  10. In the Key Database Content area select signer certificates from the large drop down.
  11. Delete any existing default or default_x certificates
  12. Click Add and browse to the extracted certificate from the key.p12 file, D:\temp\newDefault.arm
  13. Enter a label of default
  14. close the IBM Key Management tool
  15. Copy the Key.p12 and trust.p12 file to the following locations:
    Deployment Manager:
    All nodes:
  16. Restart the DMGR all nodeagents and servers

1 comment:

  1. Very, very helpful! Thanks a lot, this really helped me out of trouble!
